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Singapore Visa

Singapore Tourist Visa

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A Singapore Tourist Visa allows a stay of up to 30 days. The visa process is straightforward and conducted online; walk-in applications are not accepted.

Types of Visas

  • Tourist Visa: For leisure travel.
  • Business Visa: For business purposes.
  • Transit Visa: For stopovers.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Valid Passport: At least 6 months
  • Travel Purpose: Clearly stated
  • Financial Proof: Sufficient funds

Documents Required

  • Application Form: Completed and signed
  • Passport: Valid for at least 6 months
  • Photocopies: Passport pages
  • Photographs: 2 recent passport-size
  • Invitation Copy: If applicable
  • Bank Statement: Recent 6 months
  • Return Ticket: Confirmed
  • Covering Letter: Purpose, travel dates, and details
  • Application Process

    1. Complete Form: Enter all information.

    2. Review and Payment: Check details and pay.

    3. Upload Documents: Submit required documents online.

    How Ramsons Overseas Can Help

    • Profile Evaluation: Assess and recommend visa options.
    • Resume Writing: Create compliant resumes.
    • Document Procurement: Assist in document collection.
    • Professional Guidance: Offer training and support
    • Dedicated Case Officer: Personalized assistance.
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