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IELTS Courses

Ramsons Overseas IELTS Courses

Choose Your Path to Success with Ramsons Overseas' Courses

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Self-Paced Learning

  • 10 hours of Recorded IELTS Training
  • 5 Full-Length IELTS Simulation Tests
  • 8 Full-Length Speaking Tests
  • 15 Reading Tests
  • 15 Listening Tests
  • 15 Writing Tests
  • Daily Live Grammar Classes
  • Daily Live Doubt-Solving Classes


Batch Size of 10 Students

  • 20 hours of Live IELTS Learning
  • 3 Full-Length IELTS Simulation Tests
  • 12 Full-Length Speaking Tests
  • 25 Reading Tests
  • 25 Listening Tests
  • 25 Writing Tests
  • Band Assurance for All Batches
  • Daily Live Grammar Classes
  • Daily Live Doubt-Solving Classes


Batch Size of 10 Students

  • 30 hours of Live IELTS Learning
  • 5 Full-Length IELTS Simulation Tests
  • 18 Full-Length Speaking Tests
  • 25 Reading Tests
  • 25 Listening Tests
  • 25 Writing Tests
  • Band Assurance for All Batches
  • Daily Live Grammar Classes
  • Daily Live Doubt-Solving Classes
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